My roommate and I (engineering students) wanted to build something cool for our apartment at school. So, we decided to get creative and make a table incorporating empty liquor bottles! First we cut the top two shelves out of a 2'x2' piece of plywood.
We drilled holes in the 2nd shelf and test-fitted the bottles. Then we marked the drilling locations on the 3rd shelf.
Here's a close-up of one of the corners. It was an interesting challenge trying to align everything because the tops of the bottles poke through the shelves, so they can't be aligned vertically.

We saved up the cardboard from 6 packs of beer in our apartment for a semester and, with 8 guys living together, we soon had plenty!
Then we sorted the 6 packs into 3 different color scheme groups and started laying out the brickwork! We only used the front faces of the 6 packs.
We left some space between the 6 packs and taped all of the edges with black duct tape to secure them to the plywood. This is the 2nd shelf!
Progress on the bottom shelf. It took some time too layout, cut, and tape all of the 6 packs. Exacto knives were really helpful.
After we finished putting the 6 pack brickwork on the tops of the shelves, we had to flip them over and cut holes in the cardboard.
Final assembly! We still plan on adding some sort of clear coat finish to it (possibly a lot of clear tape, or a thin sheet of plastic) so it won't get ruined from spills or anything. It's great because it's super easy to take apart and move (3 pieces of plywood and 9 bottles), and if a bottle ever breaks, it's pretty easy to find a replacement (and it's another excuse to drink!).